I’m a bit of a plant nerd. I think that’s already been pretty well established.
Gardening has been my thing for just about as long as I can remember. Even as a kid, I gardened. Whether trailing behind my dad in the veggie garden or helping mom in her perennial gardens, I was always getting my hands dirty and learning how to grow things. My folks even gave me my own little plot of land to create with each spring.
See, I was even a plant nerd back then!
So, it’s probably no surprise that my phone is filled with plant pics...hundreds...probably thousands of them. Some end up in this newsletter, some are for our signage, but a lot are just to capture a moment in time that I think is really beautiful.
I did that at home the other day.
These are from our front yard.
Black-eyed Susans have been in full bloom for the past few weeks, and for some reason, on this particular morning, they just really caught my eye. The pictures never quite live up to the actual scene, but I do my best. I just love the way they paint the landscape with patches of golden-yellow. They really do shine this time of the year.
Recent rains have helped too. But it was this combination that caught my eye that morning. It’s a planting near our front sidewalk of some of those Black-eyed Susans next to some Russian Sage. That’s a classic perennial combination. It’s just a great contrast of colors, forms, and textures. My picture isn’t as good as the real thing, but trust me, it’s eye-catching! And the pollinators loved it too!
Cameron Rees, General Manager
Things like this put a smile on my face. And it’s a great way to start your morning.
Like I said... I’m a plant nerd!
I just wanted to share this moment with you. The procession of color just keeps marching along. Recent rains and cooler temperatures have helped with that tremendously. I’m enjoying it, and I hope you are too.
I’m also enjoying not having to run sprinklers non-stop!
There’s a lot blooming at the garden center right now. If you’re interested in adding a splash of color or some cool combinations to your garden, come see us!
—Cameron Rees
inside skinner’s employee gardens: LINDSEY Seichepine
Have you ever wondered what the employees at Skinner Garden Store do with all the beautiful plants they buy and take home? With each different gardener comes a different personality, different style, and different techniques. We thought you might enjoy getting a sneak peak at some of the work that the Skinner employees do, tending to their own gardening passions.
Today, we feature the home garden handiwork of Skinner Nursery team member, Lindsey Seichepine. Lindsey has a pension for potted plants and especially loves her succulents! She has created plant groupings to welcome visitors and create special spaces throughout her home.
If you have questions about any of Lindsey’s plants call, email, or message us… or just stop by the store and Lindsey or another team member would be happy to talk with you. Enjoy!
Powdery mildew problems
You have made it through the Spring, and survived the push of devastating insects, and now you’re noticing that something just isn’t right with your plants.
You may be seeing a white substance covering your leaves, or some of your plants have dark brown spots. Sometimes with the changing of weather and the rain plants can be affected by fungus. One of the more common is Powdery Mildew.
Powdery Mildew is noticed by white to gray, powdery spots, blotches, or mats that can appear on leaves, stems, and buds. It may look like the infected leaves have baby powder dusted on the leaves. This is caused by spores from fungi carried by the wind. Once the spore lands on a host plant, it will germinate quickly and start a new infection.
Powdery Mildew most often forms on plants in areas where there are dense foliage and where damp and stagnant air can get trapped. The first sign of infection is often white circular spots on leaves, which can later curl and fall off prematurely. This can weaken the plant and, in some cases, cause it to die.
Luckily, there are effective Powdery Mildew treatments that can help fight the disease. Fertilome F-Stop Fungicide is a great on-the-spot treatment to help stop and prevent the spread of these types of diseases and fungi. Fertilome Broad Spectrum Landscape and Garden Fungicide is another great choice, especially if you have these issues on fruits and vegetables.
Treat infected plants regularly with these types of fungicides or you can also try a preventative treatment option before Powdery Mildew even forms. Stop in today and let our staff get you exactly what you need to ensure your success.
As the summer comes to an end and cooler nights begin to fall upon us, your lawn may be needing a little pick-me-up. Timing is everything with fertilizer. Apply at the wrong time and you could be doing more harm than good.
Kansas residents more often than not have a type of cool weather grass growing in their yard. Cool-weather grasses will start to enter their fall growth cycle after the stress of summer starts to pass.
September is the best time to fertilize these types of lawns. In fact, if you could only fertilize once, September would be the very best time to do so.
A strong root system is the foundation of a nice lawn. Lawns need nitrogen to help thicken and encourage development of a healthy root system. It helps thicken up those thin areas and can also help in the prevention of weeds as a dense, healthy lawn helps choke back them back.
Plan on starting with Fertilome Lawn Food Plus Iron, applied around Labor Day. It contains two types of nitrogen and an extra dose of iron to help green up that lawn and have long-term, stable growth.
The second most important time to fertilize is late October (think Halloween). Fertilome Winterizer is a quick-release, high-nitrogen fertilizer that helps build vigorous root systems. It also helps enhance stem strength and disease resistance.
These two times are, by far, the most important times to make sure that your lawn is fed and protected. Stop in today and let one of our friendly staff walk you through what you need and how to apply it.